Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Grandpa Mojo in the wild....

Even the birds want their share of Granpa Mojo....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Wonderful Sister

I just have to tell you all that I love my little sister sooo much. She is such a great, vibrant person. I admire her so very much. She is a great parent, a warm caring person who has not lost touch with reality. Yet, she remains a dreamer and a forecaster. I think that I miss being with her only next to being with my children.
With all my love, Lonie

Yes, he can be taught!

I just wanted to go on the record and say that I, yes I, sewed my first pieces of garb! Can you believe it? Pictures will follow of the stunning leg wraps created by yours truly. Thank you, thank you. ::taking a bow::

Monday, September 15, 2008

Easy Sewing Project

Since the sewing room is about 95% done, I decided to christen it with its first sewing project. It's been awhile (yeah, yeah, I know) so I wanted to do something simple that would ease me back into the sewing mode.

I went through my giganto and over-the-top sewing stash (that fills a closet top-to-bottom) and happened upon a couple yards of flannel in an obnoxious fish pattern. I originally bought this many years ago planning on making "jammies" for Christopher. Well, that didn't happen (big surprise) and I still have it. So... it's just enough for some funky pajama pants for him.

Impending fish fashion...... oh, yeah. ;)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Little Lily did not make it... it's the saddest thing that I have ever experienced. What a beautiful little soul... we will miss her but she is now peaceful and not struggling anymore.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Little Lily, the tiny one that I mentioned last month that wasn't doing so well, has taken a turn for the worst. I had heard that Lily was doing well and the experts at Riley Childrens' Hospital felt it was safe to take her off the ECMO machine, but from what I have heard today this little one may not be strong enough to live on her own.

What a sad, awful tragedy... life is so precious... it's one of those things that we all take for granted until something like this happens and it forces us to take stock of our lives and all the blessings we have.

To Lily, and Barb, and Jennifer, and Danny, and everyone: Our thoughts and strength are with you despite the miles that separate us. Gods be with you all through this.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sewing Room Update

Yes, well... I've made progress on the much-avoided sewing room! I blogged about it and posted pics, too, believe it or not!! :D

See it HERE.

Labor Day 2008

Well... we're one week into school and things are going well. Believe it or not, IPFW sent me a letter in the mail yesterday saying that my academic standing during the 2007-2008 school year entitles me to be in the Honor society with them. Apparently, there is going to be a presentation at school on Sunday, October 5th, where all of the names of those who qualified will be read and they will receive certificates. I'm supposed to return a card that tells them how I would like my name to be read off. I didn't think I did *that* well...! :)

I had a couple thoughts on Obama and Gustav... if you want to read them, click HERE.