Monday, September 15, 2008

Easy Sewing Project

Since the sewing room is about 95% done, I decided to christen it with its first sewing project. It's been awhile (yeah, yeah, I know) so I wanted to do something simple that would ease me back into the sewing mode.

I went through my giganto and over-the-top sewing stash (that fills a closet top-to-bottom) and happened upon a couple yards of flannel in an obnoxious fish pattern. I originally bought this many years ago planning on making "jammies" for Christopher. Well, that didn't happen (big surprise) and I still have it. So... it's just enough for some funky pajama pants for him.

Impending fish fashion...... oh, yeah. ;)


Fergus and Maggie said...

WOW...there is fabric...and a tape measure...and everything.


::rubs eyes::

I am not sure I can really believe it!

Lirianna said...

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! :D