Thursday, March 6, 2008

Surgery buzz

Well, I had my surgery on Friday Feb 29th. According to the doctor, since I was asleep the whole time, it went very well and I have a good repair. They told us that I should have very good luck with it and my chance for reinjury is very small indeed. I have about 15 staples in two different spots on the back of leg holding everything together while it heals and a brand new shiny cast to keep it still, it's even blue...yay. I will go back in Tuesday, March 12th to have the cast taken off, the staples removed and be fitted with some kind of brace. Though I am still confined to bed the pain has subsided some and I seem to be on the road to recovery.

I just have to say that if it wasn't for my wonderful wife this would not be going nearly as well. She has been fantastic in taking care of me and making sure I don't violate any of my restrictions, not that I ever would.... Thank you my love for everything you do for me.

1 comment:

The Rose's Sister said...

Yes, you do have a wonderful, lovely wife. You are a very lucky man and the great part is that you know it and she shares that same gratitude for her "Bear". You guys are great.

Glad you are doing so well in recovery from this foot thing. I know that you will be fine once it is all healed. Good luck with the new cast today or walker or what ever they put on there for you. I hope the pain continues to diminish.

Tell the kids I said hello and I will call soon.