Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tree House for sale

Frank and I hope to have the "tree house" ready for sale by end of month. Pray that the market is good for just another few months so this house sells quickly. I found lighting for the kitchen/dining area last night and was oh so happy to get that done. The table light in the dining area was our first anniversary present and that is coming home with us. So, new lighting was in order. Plus we found new pendant lights for over the new kitchen island that my wonderful, skillful, talented husband built. Gonna look so cool.

We are waiting for the next two weeks to plant grass and see the sun shine. I really miss the sun in the winter and look so forward to having a sun-drenched cabin to live in now.

Animals are fine. Lost dear Maggie on 2/26 after only having her in our lives for about 9 months.
But, she had a good time and we enjoyed her being around. What a ball of energy up until the day she passed away. Just as cute as a button.

Tell the kids I said hello and I hope to come up to Fort Wayne to visit in late March or
early April. I will bring the secretary with hutch when I come if I can. LY, Me

1 comment:

The Bear said...

I'm very glad to hear that the house is ready to go, I will keep my fingers crossed. Do you have any open houses scheduled yet? Talk to you soon, take care.