Monday, August 25, 2008

First School Day

Well, at least *I* will post about how my first day at school went. ::narrows eyes at The Bear::

Today's class went well... the teacher is a bit of a flake and is rather silly. I have her for both the Writing for Multiple Media class (Mondays and Wednesdays) and the Technical Report Writing class (online). Being able to see her twice a week will be a bonus for the online class and will help to keep me feeling connected.

Tomorrow I want to work on the collage for my Writing for Multiple Media class. The assignment is to create a collage (yes, the old skool kind out of paper with images and text glued to it) to show what multimedia is to us. ...... Yeah. We'll see how that goes. She said it would be cool if we got sound and movement out of it somehow, too... how you would do that with paper, I'm not sure. But... guess I'll try to brainstorm that tomorrow.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow!

Yes, Jason and I are both going to college now! The semester starts tomorrow and he's uber-excited. He's a freshman History major and I am a junior English major. He's taking two classes for Fall 2008, one on campus and one online. I am taking three classes, two on campus and one online. If you're interested, the info about my classes is in my LiveJournal post here.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Little One in Need

Got a call early in the morning yesterday that little Lily had a turn for the worst and things were tenuous. Wendy and I left to be with Barb for strength. I was in Indianapolis for most of the day and didn't get back until midnight last night.

On the bright side, though, Lily is hanging in there.... lots of love and prayers going her way. If you have some to spare, send yours! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I took this with my cellphone this past Monday... he's SOOOO cute!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to work......Yay

Well, after two days of working my foot is doing good. Though I'm showing signs of soreness and irritability I'm finding that maybe those dastardly doctors may actually know what they are talking about. I've pushed full pallets (approximately 1 ton) of pop with no ill effects. So, Yay!


OMG... I think this is THE most beautiful picture... Jess took it herself while laying on a black pillow...

More of little baby Michael's Pictures on Jessica's MySpace... which is

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pennsic Highlights Post

Okay, I know all the fam wants to know what the SCA is and why we do it... even though we've been doing it for years. Here's some pics of our recent Pennsic trip.

SCA = Society for Creative Anachronism

It's a historical society that focuses on and does its best to recreate the Middle Ages in today's society. That's the fancy explanation... really, it's just an excuse for us all to have fun and camp together! :)

Pennsic is the two-week-long war between the Middle Kingdom (ours) and the East Kingdom. It is held at a big campground called Coopers Lake Campground in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.

This is a shot of the battlefield. Note the "XXXVII" mowed into the grass on the hill. This was Pennsic 37... preceded by Pennsic 36 and followed by Pennsic 38. ;)

This is what we wished all of the camps and OURS looked like... but a lot of people can't afford the expense of painted canvas tents and fancy wooden posts to create their camp (like us).

If you're not shopping, taking classes, fighting, etc., a lot of Pennsic is spent sitting around... this is called Bored Zach. And, yes, that's a Nintendo DS in his hands.

This next one is called Running Zach. I was in a photo-taking mood and he was my victim. I didn't chase him out of the camp... but I'm pretty sure he wished that I did.

Though this is not even close to actually depicting our Pennsic this year... these were some good photos. On the way out of town, we always stop and eat. The old restaurant that we used to use was called The Copper Kettle... but it has closed, sadly. So... our new post-Pennsic haunt is King's Restaurant. I enlisted the help of a woman and her daughter to take our picture in the parking lot when we left his year.... yes, I am actually IN this picture!!! Wonder of wonders!! :D

Pics of the New Bike

As requested, the only semi-decent pics I have so far of my first Harley... it's a two-tone, 1999 Millenium edition Harley 1200 Sportster. It's purple and black with red pin-striping between the two colors and on the logo on the tank.

I've changed out the handlebars, the grips, the seat, and the back tail-lights. I think the saddlebags are too big for the bike (and kinda ugly and a bit too Easy Rider for me) but they hold a lot of stuff.

Things I really want to change:
1. The weird little Peanut tank... I'm used to tanks that are wider and lower. I'm hesitating on this modification, though, because it will mean a paint job and a different riser to lower the handlebars... not cheap.
2. The height of the seat... which I am assuming that the only way to change it would be to get shorter shocks... I don't like not having my feet flat on the ground when I stop or have to move it... oh, and I can't even kick the stand down, I have to push it down to the ground and then roll the bike back to get it completely engaged... again, not a cheap change.
3. Change out the clutch and brake levers... they are angled away from the grips and really tight... my hands actually get tired.

Anyway... it's my first... loving the sound of it (it's got Screaming Eagle pipes on it) and it shifts so much smoother than the 650 did. And... I've noticed that the bike rides in traffic and wind a lot better because it's bigger... doesn't get blown around so much.