Monday, August 25, 2008

First School Day

Well, at least *I* will post about how my first day at school went. ::narrows eyes at The Bear::

Today's class went well... the teacher is a bit of a flake and is rather silly. I have her for both the Writing for Multiple Media class (Mondays and Wednesdays) and the Technical Report Writing class (online). Being able to see her twice a week will be a bonus for the online class and will help to keep me feeling connected.

Tomorrow I want to work on the collage for my Writing for Multiple Media class. The assignment is to create a collage (yes, the old skool kind out of paper with images and text glued to it) to show what multimedia is to us. ...... Yeah. We'll see how that goes. She said it would be cool if we got sound and movement out of it somehow, too... how you would do that with paper, I'm not sure. But... guess I'll try to brainstorm that tomorrow.

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