Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pennsic Highlights Post

Okay, I know all the fam wants to know what the SCA is and why we do it... even though we've been doing it for years. Here's some pics of our recent Pennsic trip.

SCA = Society for Creative Anachronism

It's a historical society that focuses on and does its best to recreate the Middle Ages in today's society. That's the fancy explanation... really, it's just an excuse for us all to have fun and camp together! :)

Pennsic is the two-week-long war between the Middle Kingdom (ours) and the East Kingdom. It is held at a big campground called Coopers Lake Campground in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.

This is a shot of the battlefield. Note the "XXXVII" mowed into the grass on the hill. This was Pennsic 37... preceded by Pennsic 36 and followed by Pennsic 38. ;)

This is what we wished all of the camps and OURS looked like... but a lot of people can't afford the expense of painted canvas tents and fancy wooden posts to create their camp (like us).

If you're not shopping, taking classes, fighting, etc., a lot of Pennsic is spent sitting around... this is called Bored Zach. And, yes, that's a Nintendo DS in his hands.

This next one is called Running Zach. I was in a photo-taking mood and he was my victim. I didn't chase him out of the camp... but I'm pretty sure he wished that I did.

Though this is not even close to actually depicting our Pennsic this year... these were some good photos. On the way out of town, we always stop and eat. The old restaurant that we used to use was called The Copper Kettle... but it has closed, sadly. So... our new post-Pennsic haunt is King's Restaurant. I enlisted the help of a woman and her daughter to take our picture in the parking lot when we left his year.... yes, I am actually IN this picture!!! Wonder of wonders!! :D

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