Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wait a second...

The Rose's Sister - You have reusable grocery bags?!?!?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


So when did you get the new loom? You did not tell me that you ordered it. How is it working out since you were rescued by that wonderful husband of yours (with the right screws and fixtures and all ! ! !).

I cannot believe that picture of Christopher playing the game. Is that my nephew?

I love the pic of Cody......spelling. He is such a beautiful dog. I am sitting here listening to my dogs go crazy barking at what ever outside. I just tell them to keep on barking cause I know that I am okay as long as I have them to bark at stuff that Icannot even hear or see.....Isn't that why we own dogs anyway.

I need to get some sleep. Write and tell me about your loom.

Tell that wonderful husband of yours that I know he will do just fine with the surgery. He will be so happy when it is done and he is recovered and at full capacity at work .... I am so glad that he is sticking to the Pepsi job. That is such a great job for him and his family. Go Jason. Pepsi rocks. Maybe that is a little over board. Any way, Iam glad you are at Pepsi and Iknow that it is going to do great things for you and your family, which is afterall MY SISTER too.

I love you all very much.. Me

The date is set! Yay!

Okay, the date for my surgery has been set, it is........drum roll plese....... Friday February 29th. I get to have the coveted Leap surgery..... yay!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So tempting.....!

You made that?!?

WoW Addict

Awwww.... look at my son....
so cute and so addicted to World of Warcraft.

You are NOT taking my picture!

I love him SOOO much!!! :)

First Time Blogger

As you can tell from the first POSTING. WHICH, I might add, was totally unpredictable because I did not know what to do. Signing onwas a feat in itself.

So, here I am. Trying to figure out what to write because I cannot find the previous writings of my FABULOUS sister and her WONDERFUL husband. I can hear her now, WHATEVER !!!!!

Life is good every day that you wake up on this earth. Just try and maintain it as best you can by recycling and conserving energy and all that good Green EArth stuff. Get reuseable grocery bags.

Ok, I am going to find the previous posting and read them so I can respond or input somestuff.

My love to all, ME

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I am so friggin' tired and stressed and just......... wow. Words cannot describe it.

Monday, February 18, 2008


His work approved the injury as Workman's Comp and is going ahead with the surgery!! Yay!!!! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Bears Mom

OK - So this would be my first try - No laughing! How did Cameron do going stag?
I Love you both!
Well, I got to drive my truck today! I never realized how much I missed driving until I was't allowed to do it anymore. Since my injury in January I haven't been allowed to drive and it's been driving my up the wall! My beautiful wife allowed me to take my awesome truck for a drive today.
Has anyone (women, especially) ever felt like they over-react about things that just aren't that big of a deal in reality? I am guilty of this very thing... as recently as last night, as a matter of fact.


- I realize that the Ashford dealer gave me the wrong size loom AFTER we lacquered all the beautiful wood - much crying ensues.

- I realize that I attached one of the parts to the side of the loom wrong with screws and wood glue... then removed the one that was done correctly - much quiet anger ensues. (Fortunately my amazing husband came in and saved the day, correcting that mistake, correcting my choice of screw on another part, and then removing and switching two other parts that I had on incorrectly.)

- When I try clamping the loom and the warping peg to tables I realize that one of the clamp blocks was MIA - much more quiet anger ensues and finally I just shut all the lights off and go to bed.

My saint-like husband stayed up watching TV and let me go to bed alone, obviously realizing that he wouldn't be able to fix all the things I was upset about. I woke up early this morning when it was still dark and tackled it again with determination. I'm warping the loom right now, as a matter of fact, and my husband was right as usual.

When he woke up I said, "I think you need to start calling me Chicken Little, since I freak out sporadically and think the sky is falling when it really isn't."

Bless him for gently chiding me and telling me that I am not Chicken Little and I have every right to my feelings... even if they are over-the-top.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NEWS FLASH: Apparently, Cameron is going to the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow with a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's jealous of his lack of fear?!?!? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go, Cameron!! Woohoo!! :D

UPDATE, Saturday, 5:48pm: Apparently, the girl was sick and couldn't go... so Cameron went STAG!!!!

surgery blues

So, sounds like a hit song, doesn't it? Well, my surgery has been postponed pending the workers' comp decision. Talking to my HR manager I am bracing myself for my employer to throw me away like my old employer did when I got hurt the first time. I see them denying my surgery which means I will end up on short term disability instead of workers' comp. What this means to my job is that I will be off until I can return full duty, which is supposed to take 4-6 months after the surgery depending on my rehab. Though they may still take that step and cover me I am planning on the worst but still hoping the best.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I have a loom!!!!!!!!

Finally!! My birthday present!!! Only four months late!! Yay!

Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom (second row, first one)
It's Trina!
OMG!!! I ***LOVE*** my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know... the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" is really not a movie to be playing in the background when you are on the phone talking to someone at work... listening to the Kurgan bark out orders and cuss words at prison inmates just isn't my idea of a pleasant phone conversation mood-setter.. especially the chanting of "fresh fish"... wow.

proof that I truly love my wife

Just to show that I truly love my wife I didn't say anything while she shoveled the driveway during the snowstorm....oh no, I kept my mouth shut and crutched into the house to let the dog out. Then, to further show my love for my wife I signed onto this blog site and am posting my first ever blog, once again, true love. Now, I am posting this for the world to see and understand the bottomless depth of my love for my wife. I LOVE MY WIFE.
I love my husband... I really do..... but, GEEZ!!! ; )

Monday, February 11, 2008


It's me... not some horrid, half-elven chick.... REALLY!!!