Thursday, February 21, 2008


So when did you get the new loom? You did not tell me that you ordered it. How is it working out since you were rescued by that wonderful husband of yours (with the right screws and fixtures and all ! ! !).

I cannot believe that picture of Christopher playing the game. Is that my nephew?

I love the pic of Cody......spelling. He is such a beautiful dog. I am sitting here listening to my dogs go crazy barking at what ever outside. I just tell them to keep on barking cause I know that I am okay as long as I have them to bark at stuff that Icannot even hear or see.....Isn't that why we own dogs anyway.

I need to get some sleep. Write and tell me about your loom.

Tell that wonderful husband of yours that I know he will do just fine with the surgery. He will be so happy when it is done and he is recovered and at full capacity at work .... I am so glad that he is sticking to the Pepsi job. That is such a great job for him and his family. Go Jason. Pepsi rocks. Maybe that is a little over board. Any way, Iam glad you are at Pepsi and Iknow that it is going to do great things for you and your family, which is afterall MY SISTER too.

I love you all very much.. Me


Lirianna said...

Yes, that's Christopher with the weird look on his face. You should have heard him: "Hey, you can't post my picture with my consent! I have rights!" It was hilarious.

Kodi - Yeah, that's a pretty good picture of him. Why don't you take some pictures and post them for us to see?? Or make a blog for you, Susie and Tom so that we can all link back and forth and read stuff about each other??? Hmmmmm??? ;)

The Pepsi thing: Wonderful husband has been so told. ;)

My incredibly wonderful hubby convinced me to call the dealer and go get one... that was Tuesday, February 12. Long story short: she had an unfinished 16" Ashford rigid heddle loom in an open box that she sold to me thinking it was a 24". The only thing I can say in *my* defense is that the box was 2 feet long (I know - lame). I was so excited that I ran home with it and didn't even notice that it wasn't a 24" until I had already put the first coat of lacquer on it.

The dealer lady was out of town and I had no idea when she and her husband were returning. Out of impatience and frustration, I decided that I as going to go ahead and put it together and weave on it (READ: impatient!). Just went to her house yesterday and switched the 16" with the 24".

I made a blog specifically for writing about the loom and weaving so I didn't have to clog up the family blog with it. To get to it, go to the main page of our family's blog and on the right under Contributors, click on The Rose. That takes you to my profile. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a list of the blogs that I am part of. InspiredByFiber is my new weaver blog that I made to chronicle my journey with this new obsession. I just had a lady from Michigan who weaves, knits, and sews post the first comment I've ever gotten from a stranger - how friggin' cool is that?!?)

Lirianna said...

Yeah, that was supposed to say:

" Yes, that's Christopher with the weird look on his face. You should have heard him: "Hey, you can't post my picture withOUT my consent! I have rights!" "