Saturday, February 16, 2008

Has anyone (women, especially) ever felt like they over-react about things that just aren't that big of a deal in reality? I am guilty of this very thing... as recently as last night, as a matter of fact.


- I realize that the Ashford dealer gave me the wrong size loom AFTER we lacquered all the beautiful wood - much crying ensues.

- I realize that I attached one of the parts to the side of the loom wrong with screws and wood glue... then removed the one that was done correctly - much quiet anger ensues. (Fortunately my amazing husband came in and saved the day, correcting that mistake, correcting my choice of screw on another part, and then removing and switching two other parts that I had on incorrectly.)

- When I try clamping the loom and the warping peg to tables I realize that one of the clamp blocks was MIA - much more quiet anger ensues and finally I just shut all the lights off and go to bed.

My saint-like husband stayed up watching TV and let me go to bed alone, obviously realizing that he wouldn't be able to fix all the things I was upset about. I woke up early this morning when it was still dark and tackled it again with determination. I'm warping the loom right now, as a matter of fact, and my husband was right as usual.

When he woke up I said, "I think you need to start calling me Chicken Little, since I freak out sporadically and think the sky is falling when it really isn't."

Bless him for gently chiding me and telling me that I am not Chicken Little and I have every right to my feelings... even if they are over-the-top.

1 comment:

The Bear said...

I just feel that it is only fair to say that when I am freaking out that my wife is the one who brings calm to the storm and keeps me from putting holes in the walls. We are always there for each other.