Wednesday, February 20, 2008

First Time Blogger

As you can tell from the first POSTING. WHICH, I might add, was totally unpredictable because I did not know what to do. Signing onwas a feat in itself.

So, here I am. Trying to figure out what to write because I cannot find the previous writings of my FABULOUS sister and her WONDERFUL husband. I can hear her now, WHATEVER !!!!!

Life is good every day that you wake up on this earth. Just try and maintain it as best you can by recycling and conserving energy and all that good Green EArth stuff. Get reuseable grocery bags.

Ok, I am going to find the previous posting and read them so I can respond or input somestuff.

My love to all, ME

1 comment:

Lirianna said...

YAAAAYYYYY!!! You figured it out and posted!! Wooohoooo!!! :)