Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Rose is one year older...

...despite the fact that she wishes the aging process would just STOP completely, another year has gone by... woohooo! Lucky me! ;)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

So... I wake up when my husband comes home after midnight... there's a single rose and a romantic card on the table by my side of the bed. Awwww... so sweet.

I get up later when its still dark to rouse the boy-child and take him to school... and there's yet another romantic card on the bathroom counter. Again, so sweet that he makes me smile.

I come downstairs to this:

I won't even go INTO what he wrote... wow. Yes, I am a truly blessed woman. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Grandpa Mojo in the wild....

Even the birds want their share of Granpa Mojo....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Wonderful Sister

I just have to tell you all that I love my little sister sooo much. She is such a great, vibrant person. I admire her so very much. She is a great parent, a warm caring person who has not lost touch with reality. Yet, she remains a dreamer and a forecaster. I think that I miss being with her only next to being with my children.
With all my love, Lonie

Yes, he can be taught!

I just wanted to go on the record and say that I, yes I, sewed my first pieces of garb! Can you believe it? Pictures will follow of the stunning leg wraps created by yours truly. Thank you, thank you. ::taking a bow::

Monday, September 15, 2008

Easy Sewing Project

Since the sewing room is about 95% done, I decided to christen it with its first sewing project. It's been awhile (yeah, yeah, I know) so I wanted to do something simple that would ease me back into the sewing mode.

I went through my giganto and over-the-top sewing stash (that fills a closet top-to-bottom) and happened upon a couple yards of flannel in an obnoxious fish pattern. I originally bought this many years ago planning on making "jammies" for Christopher. Well, that didn't happen (big surprise) and I still have it. So... it's just enough for some funky pajama pants for him.

Impending fish fashion...... oh, yeah. ;)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Little Lily did not make it... it's the saddest thing that I have ever experienced. What a beautiful little soul... we will miss her but she is now peaceful and not struggling anymore.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Little Lily, the tiny one that I mentioned last month that wasn't doing so well, has taken a turn for the worst. I had heard that Lily was doing well and the experts at Riley Childrens' Hospital felt it was safe to take her off the ECMO machine, but from what I have heard today this little one may not be strong enough to live on her own.

What a sad, awful tragedy... life is so precious... it's one of those things that we all take for granted until something like this happens and it forces us to take stock of our lives and all the blessings we have.

To Lily, and Barb, and Jennifer, and Danny, and everyone: Our thoughts and strength are with you despite the miles that separate us. Gods be with you all through this.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sewing Room Update

Yes, well... I've made progress on the much-avoided sewing room! I blogged about it and posted pics, too, believe it or not!! :D

See it HERE.

Labor Day 2008

Well... we're one week into school and things are going well. Believe it or not, IPFW sent me a letter in the mail yesterday saying that my academic standing during the 2007-2008 school year entitles me to be in the Honor society with them. Apparently, there is going to be a presentation at school on Sunday, October 5th, where all of the names of those who qualified will be read and they will receive certificates. I'm supposed to return a card that tells them how I would like my name to be read off. I didn't think I did *that* well...! :)

I had a couple thoughts on Obama and Gustav... if you want to read them, click HERE.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First School Day

Well, at least *I* will post about how my first day at school went. ::narrows eyes at The Bear::

Today's class went well... the teacher is a bit of a flake and is rather silly. I have her for both the Writing for Multiple Media class (Mondays and Wednesdays) and the Technical Report Writing class (online). Being able to see her twice a week will be a bonus for the online class and will help to keep me feeling connected.

Tomorrow I want to work on the collage for my Writing for Multiple Media class. The assignment is to create a collage (yes, the old skool kind out of paper with images and text glued to it) to show what multimedia is to us. ...... Yeah. We'll see how that goes. She said it would be cool if we got sound and movement out of it somehow, too... how you would do that with paper, I'm not sure. But... guess I'll try to brainstorm that tomorrow.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow!

Yes, Jason and I are both going to college now! The semester starts tomorrow and he's uber-excited. He's a freshman History major and I am a junior English major. He's taking two classes for Fall 2008, one on campus and one online. I am taking three classes, two on campus and one online. If you're interested, the info about my classes is in my LiveJournal post here.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Little One in Need

Got a call early in the morning yesterday that little Lily had a turn for the worst and things were tenuous. Wendy and I left to be with Barb for strength. I was in Indianapolis for most of the day and didn't get back until midnight last night.

On the bright side, though, Lily is hanging in there.... lots of love and prayers going her way. If you have some to spare, send yours! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I took this with my cellphone this past Monday... he's SOOOO cute!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to work......Yay

Well, after two days of working my foot is doing good. Though I'm showing signs of soreness and irritability I'm finding that maybe those dastardly doctors may actually know what they are talking about. I've pushed full pallets (approximately 1 ton) of pop with no ill effects. So, Yay!


OMG... I think this is THE most beautiful picture... Jess took it herself while laying on a black pillow...

More of little baby Michael's Pictures on Jessica's MySpace... which is

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pennsic Highlights Post

Okay, I know all the fam wants to know what the SCA is and why we do it... even though we've been doing it for years. Here's some pics of our recent Pennsic trip.

SCA = Society for Creative Anachronism

It's a historical society that focuses on and does its best to recreate the Middle Ages in today's society. That's the fancy explanation... really, it's just an excuse for us all to have fun and camp together! :)

Pennsic is the two-week-long war between the Middle Kingdom (ours) and the East Kingdom. It is held at a big campground called Coopers Lake Campground in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.

This is a shot of the battlefield. Note the "XXXVII" mowed into the grass on the hill. This was Pennsic 37... preceded by Pennsic 36 and followed by Pennsic 38. ;)

This is what we wished all of the camps and OURS looked like... but a lot of people can't afford the expense of painted canvas tents and fancy wooden posts to create their camp (like us).

If you're not shopping, taking classes, fighting, etc., a lot of Pennsic is spent sitting around... this is called Bored Zach. And, yes, that's a Nintendo DS in his hands.

This next one is called Running Zach. I was in a photo-taking mood and he was my victim. I didn't chase him out of the camp... but I'm pretty sure he wished that I did.

Though this is not even close to actually depicting our Pennsic this year... these were some good photos. On the way out of town, we always stop and eat. The old restaurant that we used to use was called The Copper Kettle... but it has closed, sadly. So... our new post-Pennsic haunt is King's Restaurant. I enlisted the help of a woman and her daughter to take our picture in the parking lot when we left his year.... yes, I am actually IN this picture!!! Wonder of wonders!! :D

Pics of the New Bike

As requested, the only semi-decent pics I have so far of my first Harley... it's a two-tone, 1999 Millenium edition Harley 1200 Sportster. It's purple and black with red pin-striping between the two colors and on the logo on the tank.

I've changed out the handlebars, the grips, the seat, and the back tail-lights. I think the saddlebags are too big for the bike (and kinda ugly and a bit too Easy Rider for me) but they hold a lot of stuff.

Things I really want to change:
1. The weird little Peanut tank... I'm used to tanks that are wider and lower. I'm hesitating on this modification, though, because it will mean a paint job and a different riser to lower the handlebars... not cheap.
2. The height of the seat... which I am assuming that the only way to change it would be to get shorter shocks... I don't like not having my feet flat on the ground when I stop or have to move it... oh, and I can't even kick the stand down, I have to push it down to the ground and then roll the bike back to get it completely engaged... again, not a cheap change.
3. Change out the clutch and brake levers... they are angled away from the grips and really tight... my hands actually get tired.

Anyway... it's my first... loving the sound of it (it's got Screaming Eagle pipes on it) and it shifts so much smoother than the 650 did. And... I've noticed that the bike rides in traffic and wind a lot better because it's bigger... doesn't get blown around so much.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Please post a photo of your new motorcycle so I can see it. I cannot say when I will get to Fort Wayne again. Love you and miss you both. I hope things are going well and that Jason is still at Pepsi. That is such a great job. But, if he is seeking education too, that would be hard to keep.

Let me know when you get Christopher home.... LY, Me

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Woohooo!! I actually got logged in, finally!! :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Recovery News

Well, the cast came off one week ago and now I have my spiffy new brace which help keep it stabilized. I take the boot out of the brace for about 1-2 hours per day to start trying to move it and I actually have a little range of motion, not much but a little is better then none, right? I will go back on April 10th and I'm hoping to start physical therapy shortly after that so I can start walking again. I am off of work until, at least, my next appointment and I'm not sure if I'll be back at that point or when I can walk unassisted that will be up to my employer. I will try to keep it updated as we go.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tree House for sale

Frank and I hope to have the "tree house" ready for sale by end of month. Pray that the market is good for just another few months so this house sells quickly. I found lighting for the kitchen/dining area last night and was oh so happy to get that done. The table light in the dining area was our first anniversary present and that is coming home with us. So, new lighting was in order. Plus we found new pendant lights for over the new kitchen island that my wonderful, skillful, talented husband built. Gonna look so cool.

We are waiting for the next two weeks to plant grass and see the sun shine. I really miss the sun in the winter and look so forward to having a sun-drenched cabin to live in now.

Animals are fine. Lost dear Maggie on 2/26 after only having her in our lives for about 9 months.
But, she had a good time and we enjoyed her being around. What a ball of energy up until the day she passed away. Just as cute as a button.

Tell the kids I said hello and I hope to come up to Fort Wayne to visit in late March or
early April. I will bring the secretary with hutch when I come if I can. LY, Me

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Surgery buzz

Well, I had my surgery on Friday Feb 29th. According to the doctor, since I was asleep the whole time, it went very well and I have a good repair. They told us that I should have very good luck with it and my chance for reinjury is very small indeed. I have about 15 staples in two different spots on the back of leg holding everything together while it heals and a brand new shiny cast to keep it still, it's even blue...yay. I will go back in Tuesday, March 12th to have the cast taken off, the staples removed and be fitted with some kind of brace. Though I am still confined to bed the pain has subsided some and I seem to be on the road to recovery.

I just have to say that if it wasn't for my wonderful wife this would not be going nearly as well. She has been fantastic in taking care of me and making sure I don't violate any of my restrictions, not that I ever would.... Thank you my love for everything you do for me.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wait a second...

The Rose's Sister - You have reusable grocery bags?!?!?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


So when did you get the new loom? You did not tell me that you ordered it. How is it working out since you were rescued by that wonderful husband of yours (with the right screws and fixtures and all ! ! !).

I cannot believe that picture of Christopher playing the game. Is that my nephew?

I love the pic of Cody......spelling. He is such a beautiful dog. I am sitting here listening to my dogs go crazy barking at what ever outside. I just tell them to keep on barking cause I know that I am okay as long as I have them to bark at stuff that Icannot even hear or see.....Isn't that why we own dogs anyway.

I need to get some sleep. Write and tell me about your loom.

Tell that wonderful husband of yours that I know he will do just fine with the surgery. He will be so happy when it is done and he is recovered and at full capacity at work .... I am so glad that he is sticking to the Pepsi job. That is such a great job for him and his family. Go Jason. Pepsi rocks. Maybe that is a little over board. Any way, Iam glad you are at Pepsi and Iknow that it is going to do great things for you and your family, which is afterall MY SISTER too.

I love you all very much.. Me

The date is set! Yay!

Okay, the date for my surgery has been set, it is........drum roll plese....... Friday February 29th. I get to have the coveted Leap surgery..... yay!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So tempting.....!

You made that?!?

WoW Addict

Awwww.... look at my son....
so cute and so addicted to World of Warcraft.

You are NOT taking my picture!

I love him SOOO much!!! :)

First Time Blogger

As you can tell from the first POSTING. WHICH, I might add, was totally unpredictable because I did not know what to do. Signing onwas a feat in itself.

So, here I am. Trying to figure out what to write because I cannot find the previous writings of my FABULOUS sister and her WONDERFUL husband. I can hear her now, WHATEVER !!!!!

Life is good every day that you wake up on this earth. Just try and maintain it as best you can by recycling and conserving energy and all that good Green EArth stuff. Get reuseable grocery bags.

Ok, I am going to find the previous posting and read them so I can respond or input somestuff.

My love to all, ME

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I am so friggin' tired and stressed and just......... wow. Words cannot describe it.

Monday, February 18, 2008


His work approved the injury as Workman's Comp and is going ahead with the surgery!! Yay!!!! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Bears Mom

OK - So this would be my first try - No laughing! How did Cameron do going stag?
I Love you both!
Well, I got to drive my truck today! I never realized how much I missed driving until I was't allowed to do it anymore. Since my injury in January I haven't been allowed to drive and it's been driving my up the wall! My beautiful wife allowed me to take my awesome truck for a drive today.
Has anyone (women, especially) ever felt like they over-react about things that just aren't that big of a deal in reality? I am guilty of this very thing... as recently as last night, as a matter of fact.


- I realize that the Ashford dealer gave me the wrong size loom AFTER we lacquered all the beautiful wood - much crying ensues.

- I realize that I attached one of the parts to the side of the loom wrong with screws and wood glue... then removed the one that was done correctly - much quiet anger ensues. (Fortunately my amazing husband came in and saved the day, correcting that mistake, correcting my choice of screw on another part, and then removing and switching two other parts that I had on incorrectly.)

- When I try clamping the loom and the warping peg to tables I realize that one of the clamp blocks was MIA - much more quiet anger ensues and finally I just shut all the lights off and go to bed.

My saint-like husband stayed up watching TV and let me go to bed alone, obviously realizing that he wouldn't be able to fix all the things I was upset about. I woke up early this morning when it was still dark and tackled it again with determination. I'm warping the loom right now, as a matter of fact, and my husband was right as usual.

When he woke up I said, "I think you need to start calling me Chicken Little, since I freak out sporadically and think the sky is falling when it really isn't."

Bless him for gently chiding me and telling me that I am not Chicken Little and I have every right to my feelings... even if they are over-the-top.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NEWS FLASH: Apparently, Cameron is going to the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow with a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's jealous of his lack of fear?!?!? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go, Cameron!! Woohoo!! :D

UPDATE, Saturday, 5:48pm: Apparently, the girl was sick and couldn't go... so Cameron went STAG!!!!

surgery blues

So, sounds like a hit song, doesn't it? Well, my surgery has been postponed pending the workers' comp decision. Talking to my HR manager I am bracing myself for my employer to throw me away like my old employer did when I got hurt the first time. I see them denying my surgery which means I will end up on short term disability instead of workers' comp. What this means to my job is that I will be off until I can return full duty, which is supposed to take 4-6 months after the surgery depending on my rehab. Though they may still take that step and cover me I am planning on the worst but still hoping the best.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I have a loom!!!!!!!!

Finally!! My birthday present!!! Only four months late!! Yay!

Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom (second row, first one)
It's Trina!
OMG!!! I ***LOVE*** my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know... the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" is really not a movie to be playing in the background when you are on the phone talking to someone at work... listening to the Kurgan bark out orders and cuss words at prison inmates just isn't my idea of a pleasant phone conversation mood-setter.. especially the chanting of "fresh fish"... wow.

proof that I truly love my wife

Just to show that I truly love my wife I didn't say anything while she shoveled the driveway during the snowstorm....oh no, I kept my mouth shut and crutched into the house to let the dog out. Then, to further show my love for my wife I signed onto this blog site and am posting my first ever blog, once again, true love. Now, I am posting this for the world to see and understand the bottomless depth of my love for my wife. I LOVE MY WIFE.
I love my husband... I really do..... but, GEEZ!!! ; )

Monday, February 11, 2008


It's me... not some horrid, half-elven chick.... REALLY!!!